Dragonbite Community Creator Micro Dungeon XL Halls
Dragonbite Community Creator Micro Dungeon XL Halls
Micro Dungeons are something I made with the OSR huge dungeons in mind. This is a dungeon set that will fit in your dice bag! Some of these old school dungeons would require 4-6 4’ x 8’ tables to set the entire thing up on with standard 3d dungeon tiles, you could set those same dungeons up with a quarter of the space. These are an attempt at “pen and paper” scale 3D printed terrain. This set contains Extra Large Hall Variants from the Micro Dungeon Series. If you own a 3D printer, and would like to purchase these files, you can do so HERE. Watch for more packs and expansions.
Total set includes;
3X Extra wide straight halls
2X Dead End hall ends
2X Straight Halls with openings
2X Hall Corners
6X Hall Ends with various openings
13X Micro Dungeons Clips
9X Doors
4X Micro Hero Pawns
4X Micro Villain Pawns
These are Physical models, you do not have to own the files to buy the models
Original .STL files for these models can be purchased from www.fatdragongames.com