Dragonbite Community Creator Micro Dungeons Small Rooms
Dragonbite Community Creator Micro Dungeons Small Rooms
Micro Dungeons are the dungeons that fit in your dice bag! This is an expansion to the Micro Dungeons with a variety of small rooms with various openings. Treasure rooms, trap rooms, mini boss rooms, dead ends, etc. Complete with removable doors, either use them to show that a room is closed, or locked, or just leave the way open. If you own a 3D printer and would like to own these files, you can access them HERE.
This set contains 20 small rooms, two of each type with anywhere from one opening to all four walls having openings. Open walls, doors, and archways. Also contains 20 Micro dungeon clips, and 12 doors.
*This is a physical model, and you do not need to own the files to purchase the models.
*Original .STL files for these models can be purchased from www.fatdragongames.com.