

from $6.00

I scaled this guy from Ill Gotten Games down to a “large” PC size, for my own use in Mutant Crawl Classics, which is the size shown in the photo. I will put two options in the store, PC or Ent. The Ent version is twice the height and size roughly. Then again, maybe your character is that big? I’m not judging….

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Ill Gotten Games Starfolke Starport Civilians astronaut 2.png

Ill Gotten Games Starfolke Starport Civilians

from $1.00
Beyond The Copper Doors Dwarven Heroes IMG_20191215_201239520_HDR.jpg

Beyond The Copper Doors Dwarven Heroes

Ill Gotten Games Starfolke Space Pioneers pioneer 1_helmet.png

Ill Gotten Games Starfolke Space Pioneers

Winter Treeman IMG_20191223_174337220_HDR.jpg

Winter Treeman

EtW Human Mutant Troop

EtW Human Mutant Troop
