EC3D Beyond The Badlands Stretch Goals 4 Minis

EC3D Beyond The Badlands Stretch Goals 4 Minis

from $3.00

Ceasar had foot soldiers, why shouldn’t every tyrant in the wasteland? here’s at least a couple to get you started. Oh, and hopefully the Bolted One is in good humor today…

These are physical models, you can purchase files from EC3D HERE

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EC3D Empire of the Scorching Sands Princess

EC3D Empire of the Scorching Sands Desert Rogue Desert rogue no Base.png

EC3D Empire of the Scorching Sands Desert Rogue

EC3D Empire of the Scorching Sands Palanquin Carrier Palanquin carrier Left no Base.png

EC3D Empire of the Scorching Sands Palanquin Carrier

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EC3D Beyond The Badlands Stretch Goals 5 Minis

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EC3D Empire of the Scorching Sands Catfolk
